Words and sentences in microobial communication
Main focus of the WP1 is on chemical signals (i.e., the “words” and “sentences” in microbial communication) and mechanisms of communication between microbes within populations (single species) and communities (multiple species), and microbes and their eukaryotic hosts. This will include identification of novel signalling compounds as well as uncovering molecular mechanisms of their transfer, sensing, and regulation at fine spatial and temporal scales. Advanced metabolomics, microscopy, biochemistry and molecular genetics approaches are to be combined to gather new knowledge and also to supply the other WPs with putative signalling compounds for testing in more complex biological systems.
- Jana Kamanová
- Gabriela Balíková-Novotná
- Silvia Bezoušková
- Pavla Bojarová
- Oliva Branná
- Pavel Branny
- Ludmila Brázdilová
- Ladislav Bumba
- Karolína Buriánková
- Monika Čížková
- Linda Doubravová
- Michaela Grobarčíková
- Michal Grulich
- Vladimír Havlíček
- Jana Holubová
- Jiří Houšť
- Jiří Janata
- Stanislav Kadlčík
- Jana Kamanová
- Milada Kambová
- Zdeněk Kameník
- Markéta Koběrská
- Viola Kolaříková
- Vladimír Křen
- Anna Lepesheva
- Dominika Luptáková
- Helena Marešová
- Jiří Mašín
- Aninda Mazumdar
- Mufarrah Mehboob
- Hana Michova
- Lucie Najmanová
- Pavlína Nekvasilová
- Jiří Novák
- Michaela Novotná
- Andrea Palyzová
- Barbora Petránková
- Lucie Petrásková
- Kristýna Slámová
- Ondřej Staněk
- Tomasso Stefani
- Peter Šebo
- Aleš Ulrych
- Waheed Ur Rahman
- Kateřina Valentová
- Pavel Vávra
- Tomáš Vomastek