About the project
- Title: Talking microbes - understanding microbial interactions within One Health framework
- Acronym: INTER-MICRO
- Coordinator: Jan Jansa
- Participating institutions:
- Duration: 1 January 2024 – 30 June 2028 (54 months)
- Total cost: 436.5 million CZK
- Project reference: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004597
- Funded under: Ministry of Education, Youth and Health of the Czech Republic, Programme Johannes Amos Comenius OP JAK, co-financed by the European Union EU
Project goals
- To identify novel signalling molecules (i.e., the “words” in chemical cross-talk) involved in communication between prokaryotic microbes and/or microbes and their eukaryotic hosts.
- To elucidate the mode of action of the previously established and novel signalling molecules, thus assembling the “sentences” and “messages”.
- To successfully manipulate the eukaryotic-associative microbiome by changing the nutrient/energy inputs (diet), composition of starting microbiomes and by using the signalling molecules or their silencers, i.e. the “microbial language”.
- To describe links between diet, associative microbiome and on-set and development of nutritional and health disorders in model eukaryotic hosts (e.g., fish, mouse, pig, soybean, mycorrhizal fungus).
- To identify prokaryotic microbes, metabolic pathways and their regulation involved in the degradation of complex biomolecules or toxins of biological or industrial origin.
- To describe ecosystem-wide microbiome shifts and their functional consequences in response to land use and global changes such as nutrient enrichment, drought, and biological invasions.

Updated: 21.1.2024 22:29, Author: Jitka Čejková