Talking to microbes – innovative signal delivery systems
The focus of WP2 is on development of chemical micro-robots capable of emitting or scavenging specific molecular signals within biological systems, in order to induce reproducible changes in their microbiome composition and activity, and/or host responses. Additionally, possibilities will be sought to encapsulate living microbes for their targeted delivery in pre-defined spatial and temporal patterns. The overall goal is to improve our understanding of microbial “language” and use this knowledge for practical applications in research, biomedicine, agriculture, and/or food processing.
- František Štěpánek
- Adéla Brejchová
- Jitka Čejková
- Suada Dukaj
- Eva Králová
- Martin Krov
- Anna Ludvíková
- Lucie Mašková
- Elizaveta Mutylo
- Ondřej Navrátil
- Tomáš Nejedlý
- Ivan Saloň
- František Štěpánek
- Viola Tokárová
- Jan Trnka
- Jitka Viktorová
- Aleš Zadražil
- Filip Zavřel
- Miluše Zimolová